The people who I am referring to are those who rely on fortune tellers, psychics and mystics. Please don't be fooled by them and get hurt emotionally in the process of doing so. If these guys are real they will be the first ones making a million bucks and living a life of their dreams, but rather they are making a million bucks out of you and from the people who are really susceptible to their suggestions.
These kinds of beliefs are personal and at the end of its up to you to what you practise or preach, but rememeber that at the end of the day your life, your destiny is based on the decisions that you make and not what others suggest to you or 'tell' you what to do.
Can you image if Bill Gates had gone to see a 'fortune teller' way back before he started Microsoft? Can you imagine the fortune teller saying this to him: "Don't worry my child you will be a successful person and you will have a high flying job in the near future." Don't you think it is every persons dream to be sucessful in life and live their dreams? But the test always comes down to those who take action and execute their dreams and ambition, and this is something that many successful individuals have done including Bill Gates. He didn't rely on all the mystics and fortune tellers to sell him that he will start Microsoft. Common sense is not so common and it is they who lack this "common sense" end up becoming preys of such people.
I have come across individuals who relied on these alternatives rather then to be a master of their own destinity. As a result of these alternatives, they have ruined their relationships, their jobs and careers and some even commited suicide. This is true. Don't be a victim to all the 'spoofs and pranks'.
If these individuals can proof their claims then maybe they should take up the James Randi Paranormal Challenge, where $1,000,000 shall be awarded to those who can prove their "powers" by experiment. Till today, I have yet to see anyone proof of these claims as well. I myself have come across such pranksters and when questioned, they tend to shun away and say this is the gift of god. Yeah right!
Why should he or she have such powers and not me? Shouldn't I be having such "powers" and "gift" as well as I am also the son of god just like you? At the end of the day it all comes down to one simple question: If you do not know what you want in life, then you will be heading no where. Success is a science, Period! You can control most of the events that are within your capability and what you think about, you can create provided you take action and work towards them.
The problem is this that most individual do not know where they are heading and as a result they end up going with the 'flow' just like a dead fish that flows down the river stream into the ocean where everyone is. However, those who know where they are heading and know what they want in life are like Salmons. They swim against the flow and current; heading to their destiny and final outcome. And when Salmons reach their destiny, they die.
However, we human beings are the same in perspective of a Salmon, where we can create the same results. The only difference is that we do not die when we reach our goals, but rather we can create and achieve more in life and help others around us.
Perhaps in the future if you feel like taking an "alternative" route to seek some "advice" from the mystics or psychics, perhaps you might want to ask the psychic in the video below first if it is worth it or maybe ask me and pay reward me with the money that you are going to pay the psychic ;) and all I need is to ask you is this: Do you know what you want out of life? If you don't then decide now and don't let others make that decision for you.
Don't say I didn't warn you... Because common sense is not so COMMON ;)